The purchase of 2 new motorcycle

4 years ago

Infants' Health Foundation is delighted to announce the purchase of 2 new motorcycle ambulances. Our #CEO Harrison Okello handing them to our Ass.Motorcycle Project Officer.Wondering how our Motorcycle Project Works, here, is the breakdown of #IHF’s motorcycle programme and its impact; ? 1 motorcycle costs $1200. ? Serves 3 villages with monthly clinics - serving approximately 1,750 patients per year. ? Evacuates the sickest patients and mothers in labor to gov’t health facilities. ? Enables Ugandan health workers to serve very remote & difficult to reach, vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. ? Gives one economically disadvantaged resident a job to better support his family and serve his community. ? Brings revenue to #IHF which enables us to become less dependent on donors. Through the revenue it generates, the motorcycle is able to repair itself and there is always full motorcycle cost recovery within 30 months. A motorcycle lasts for 6-8 years. And after that period, it can still be sold at approximately $500.

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